In some ways I think I did a good job and in others I didn't. I don't have a large supply of coupons yet, I am still working on ways to get multiples of inserts. Eventually I would like only buy most things when they are on sale with a coupon and create a stock pile in my house.
What I got...
3 pks of Brillo Kitchen Wipes on clearance for .37 each- $1.11
cottonelle fresh wipes -$1.99 WAG coupon
Packaging tape BOGO $2.99
Neutrogena Foamy Cream Cleanser- clearance $1.99
Bioinfusion hair spray- Free after rebate
Bioinfusion wrap and set foam- Free after rebate
Reynolds aluminum foil- $.89 WAG coupon
Pert Plus- Free after rebate
total after rebates but before tax = $8.97
*** Note- I have already sent in my rebates, I did this very quickly online at, just click on easy saver, then you set up an account, click the deals you have and enter a receipt number. You can enter as many receipts as you want.
Five More Frugal Things
1 day ago