Monday, July 27, 2009
Friday, July 24, 2009
Yardsale finds
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Our Little Garden
First fruits of our labor!
We have squash, zucchini, cucumbers, basil, and 4 tomato plants!
This has been a super easy project! Get some containers, make holes in said containers and add potting mix, organic growth feed stuff and plants. Then we watered, and watered and waited and waited. LOL then we got some neat stuff!
Total investment has been around $50 for plants, stakes, food and potting mix. But next year I can reuse the potting mix and I will start early enough to grow my plants from seed. So next years investment will only be a couple of dollars!
Monday, June 22, 2009
Groceries this week
I had lots of stuff other than groceries to get so I did not think I would make my $70 goal, but i did just barely; my total was $69 and change.
I got:
2 bags of whole wheat flour (clearance 1/2 off)
1 box of oat bran (clearance)
1 box of provia- stevia- a natural calorie free sweetener to try (clearance)
bag of apples
4 garlicky grill mates
2 bags of croutons
3 cans of fruit
3 roma tomatoes
loaf of french bread
frozen edame
frozen broccoli florets
2 sweet onions
large container of organic vanilla yogurt
1/2 gallon of organic milk
store brand miracle whip
2 soft packs of wipes
freezer paper
ziplock bags
2 electric toothbrushes
hubs deodorant
Chicken breasts are on sale for $1.77lb this week. I did not feel like messing with the whole dividing packages thing this weekend but I probably will go back on Tuesday before the sale ends and get some and deduct that from next weeks grocery budget.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
How to make a RUBBER chicken!
Yestraday I stumbled on a great deal- Whole Organic chickens marked down for quick sale from $12 a piece to $1.50 each. I bought 2.
Before I went to bed I put the chickens in my crock pot with some random seasonings, salt and pepper and let them cook on low all night.
In the morning I removed the chickens to a large 9X13 pan to cool.
This is the part I hate about rubber chicken...I had to put my hands in to strip the skin off, remove and shred the meat. But from those 2 chickens I got between 2-4 meals worth of cooked chicken to put in my freezer!
Next I took all of the juice and some of the bones, skin ect and put them in a large pot and added water til there was double the amount of liquid in the pot. I added some whole garlic cloves, assorted spices, and half an onion and boiled for an hour. Then I poured the liquid through a mesh strainer. The chicken stock is now cooling on the counter but will go into small zipper freezer bags, a cup each and be frozen.
So for $3 I got 2-4 meals of organic chicken and about 10 cups of chicken stock/broth!
Friday, June 5, 2009
The process of living frugal
So I started super couponing, selling things on ebay, and craigslist, eating out less,buying mostly used...
I read lots of websites and blogs.... sometimes for hours to figure all the steals and deals! I shopped managers specials and clearance racks and stocked up on stuff when it was a good deal.
Slowly though I started to develop a different attitude towards frugalness. By not buying at all I can be frugal and by choosing high quality goods when I do need something I am being more frugal than by choosing cheapies that break in a month. By making do with what I have or finding a good quality used piece I can be frugal and better to the environment.
I then began to read about people who lived "simply", Followed the Compact, or who practised conscious frugality. These ideas make sense to me. Less stuff = more time and more money. Why do I need 25 shirts when 5-10 will do or why does my one year old need 30 different toys??
I started to think about Quality over Quantity.
Slowly I am removing the excess from our life. I still do stock up on some of the best deals (like free shampoo and free toilet paper) but only because we use those things every day. I also still do cut coupons but now I have a list of specific things we use and I watch for just those coupons.
I make meal plans and grocery lists according to the sale ads. We eat meatless 1-3 nights a week and we try to only eat out 1 night a week. I try to feed my family more whole foods and not as much processed foods. I started a garden with squash, basil, cucumbers and tomatoes. I gave up paper towels for the most part and use very basic cleaning supplies like vinegar and baking soda and bleach (one of my guilty pleasures). I try to not purchase plastic because it stays around for a million years and some studies have shown a link between several health issues and plastic. I hang most of our clothes up to dry. I replaced many of the regular bulbs in our house with CFLS. Hubs installed an aerator in the kitchen sink. We own an electric mower and weed eater and we have made a consious effort to reduce our food waste. I try not to go to the dollar store and I strive to buy things made in countries other than China.
Am I perfect?? No and I don't ever plan to be.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Begging or fundraising?
I went to old navy this morning and was accosted by not 1 but 3 different groups of children asking for money. Sure 2 of them offered something in return... raffle tickets or chocolate but a chocolate bar or meager chance to win some dumb prize does not sooth my annoyance at being asked for money by children. Of course it was for a "good" cause. Cheer leading camp, dance team, baseball! Since when did it become my responsibility to help your child monetarily to do something you chose??? I am all about helping worthy causes...starving kids, cancer battlers, Jerry's know VICTIMS, the less fortunate. I don't even mind paying to get my car washed by a group trying to raise some money to go on some big trip or something. But that is where I draw the line. I am so sick of seeing all of these kids made to go up to strangers and beg for money while mommy and daddy sit by and watch. ITS RUDE AND ITS WRONG!
PS I did get some great deals at Old Navy- all of their clearance is an additional 50% off! I got 10 items for hubs and the kid (shirts, hat, pj, jackets, sweaters) for around $12... TOTAL!
Friday, May 22, 2009
Food waste Friday
The tubs contained leftovers from the Kids birthday party and since they sat out a little longer than normal when served I got nervous about eating them closer to the end of the week. Better to waste some food then end up SICK!
On top is an enchilada, not a huge fan :(
I skipped going to the store last week, because we had lots of party leftovers. I was out of fresh fruit and we have a busy weekend planned so I went ahead and went to the store at 10:30 pm!! It was awesome! I score lots of great deals and there was no lines.
I got all this for under $50! Gotta love coupons and manager specials!
Monday, May 11, 2009
Upping my grocery budget/Kroger Visit
I have decided to raise my grocery budget to $70 a week. The kid is eating more and more and I try to feed him some/most ??? well ok as much as possible organic foods and I am attempting to feed us healthier ie more fresh less processed foods.
Today I spent just about right at $70- groceries were $64.43 and I also bought 4 papers at walgreens- $5.
***The kids birthday is this week and I am doing a seperate shopping trip for that and I will not be counting that in my regular grocery budget. ****
I forgot milk and they were out of lettuce, so I will be over budget by $4 but I bought a lot of meat to go in the freezer so it should even out next week.
6 Ribeye steaks- marked down
2 pks chicken tenderloins
1 pk chicken breast
2.5 lbs of hamburger- marked down
2 cucumbers
2 zuchinni
3 apples
4 sweet potatoes
3 sweet videlia onions
ice cream
2 Bertoni Raviolis - marked down
2 cans of pineapple
4 pks of wipes
1 box of kashi waffles
1 Kashi pizza
Yobaby yogurt- marked down
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Saturday, May 9, 2009
oops... last weeks shopping
Food Waste
1 head of kale
some lettuce
1/2 cup of beans
2 zucchini's
a cup of buttermilk
Frugal Vacation Tips
My top 8 travel tips
- travel during the week instead of weekends
- haggle on your hotel stay if they have lots of rooms available
- bring your own car snacks
- split entrees at restaurants for dinner
- go for lunch at the more expensive restaurants
- find free entertainment
- go to the info booth whereever you are and ask for coupons and information
- at casinos make sure to sign up for their players cards
we stayed at 2 different hotel/casinos - Diamond Jacks and the Horseshoe
Our total for 2 nights was $146 including all taxes and fees
We signed up for players cards at each casino and at Diamond Jacks we received $10 each in free slot play for each of us and at the Horseshoe we received 2 buffet meals on each of our cards (we only used the ones on mine).
For cheap entertainment we went and walked around the Lousianna Boardwalk shopping area and we went to the Libby glass factory. We bought hubs a new pair of shades and me some glass stuff. We also went and the saw the new Star Trek Movie (awesome!)
We had a budget of $500 that we stuck to for the 3 days including lodging, food, shopping, entertainment and gambling.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Meal Plan & SHopping
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Free Resume Printing & Faxing at Office Depot
Details can be found here.
I am so loving this deal because I am about to start job hunting!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
5 Finish Dishwasher Detergents
8 2 litres (some for Jackson's Birthday, some diet for me!)
Total: $15.23
Overbudget for the week by almost $7!!!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Home Depot Plant Sale = Today Only!!
Home Depot has their veggie and herb plants buy 1 get 1 free. Limit of 6 per customer.
Today Only.
This morning I picked up tomato (cherry and regular), zucchini, basil and cucumbers.
I hope to get a post up tonight on the sub-irrigated tote box planters I am going to build to grow my veggies and herbs!
Saturday, April 18, 2009
This weeks Food Waste

Wow, has it really been a month since i have participated in food waste Friday??? I quit doing it for a couple weeks bc umm.. well I was embarrassed bc the couple of people who participated in the challenge all had like NO WASTE. But then Kristin did this post about how she was not as good at the beginning at doing no food waste AND how she was starting a blog roll of people who participated in food waste Fridays. And people came out of the wood works and they had WASTE and I did not have to feel as bad. So I am back. FOR GOOD!
I am pretty please with the reduction in food waste in our house.
This week we had:
Moldy strawberries, part of a can of cream of mushroom, and half a bowl of oatmeal.
WHY bother???
"Americans waste more than 40 percent of the food we produce for consumption. That comes at an annual cost of more than $100 billion. At the same time, food prices and the number of Americans without enough to eat continues to rise"
From Wasted Food
I think the little things REALLY can make a difference in this world.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Some Kroger Coupon Matchups for the 10 for $10
$1.00/4 Scott Long Lasting Roll or Mega Roll Paper Towels, Any (4) Or More Rolls - 03-29-09 SS (Insert x05/10/09)
$2.00/10 Banquet Dinners or Select Recipes, Any - 03-22-09 SS (Kroger booklet, manufacturer coupon) (Insert x04/30/09)
1.00/5 Michelina's Traditional Recipe or Authentico Entress, Any (Printable Rolling) -
$1.00/5 Michelina's Lean Gourmet Entrees (Printable Rolling) - P=wCVNcJMG
$0.50/2 Green Giant Vegetables, Any - 03-15-09 RP (Insert x05/01/09
$1.00/2 Green Giant Frozen Boxed vegetables (Printable Rolling) - Coupons and Promotions from
$1.00/3 Green Giant Frozen Boxed Vegetables, Any Variety - Eat Better America booklet (Booklet x05/31/09)
$0.65/3 Green Giant Frozen Boxed Vegetables, Any (Printable Rolling) - Coupons
$1.00/3 Green Giant Frozen Boxed Vegetables - Pillsbury Booklet (Booklet x05/31/09)
$0.60/2 Green Giant Frozen Boxed Vegetables (Printable Rolling) - Shop Smart
$1.00/5 Chef Boyardee Cans 15 oz. or Microwaveable Bowls 7.5 oz. - 03-22-09 SS (Kroger booklet, manufacturer coupon) (Insert x04/30/09)
Kroger Chain Stores coupon: $1.00/5 Chef Boyardee Canned Pasta, Any 15 Oz. Or Microwaveable Cups, Any 7.5 Oz. (Home Mailer x04/19/09)
Kroger Chain Stores coupon: $1.00/4 Rice-A-Roni or Pasta Roni side dishes, any (Home Mailer x04/19/09)
$1.00/4 Rice-A-Roni Or Pasta Roni, Any Boxes - 03-08-09 RP (Insert x05/31/09) FAST
$0.30/1 Fast Fixin' Chicken (Printable Rolling) - Advance Brands – Fast Fixin’
$0.40/1 Powerade Zero, Any 32 Oz. - 03-22-09 SS (Insert x04/30/09)
$1.00/2 Kraft Barbecue Sauce, Bull's-Eye Barbecue Sauce, Miracle Whip Dressing Or Kraft Salad Dressing, Any (DND 5) "one coupon, per customer, per day" - Food & Family "Traditional Family Recipes with a Twist" (Booklet x12/31/09)
$0.35/1 Pillsbury Brownie Mix, Any - 03-29-09 RP (Insert x06/30/09)
$1.00/1 McCormick Seasoning Blend, Spice, Herb, Extract or Food Color, Any - 03-15-09 RP (Insert x05/31/09)
$1.00/2 McCormick Seasoning Blend, Grinder, Spice or Herb, Any - 01-18-09 SS (Insert x04/30/09)
$0.25/1 McCormick Seasoning Blend, Grinder, Spice or Herb, Any - 01-18-09 RP (Insert x04/30/09)
4/19-4/25 Meal Plan and Grocery List
Vegetable lasagna, garden salad
Spicy beans, sweet potatoes, grilled chicken breasts marinated in Italian dressing
Black bean burritos, Mexican rice, lettuce/tomato, apples
Chicken enchiladas, lettuce/tomatoes, jello fruit salad
Shrimp, roasted cauliflower, green beans
Pizza (I get one thick crust and one thin crust from this recipe), veggies with homemade dill dip or hummus
Meatball Subs, garlic broccoli
Whole Wheat Waffles
Baked Oatmeal Snack Bars
Fiber one Bars
We eat our leftovers or simple stuff for lunch like scrambled eggs or pb&J
Groceries that are needed:
6-Roma Tomatoes $1 lb
1-Iceburg lettuce
5-Apples Gala -$1 lb
1 head-Cauliflower
1- mini carrots $1
4-Sweet potatoes
2-Strawberries $1.50 each
1- Raisins
2-Cottage cheese
1- Kroger light sour cream $1
1- Natures Own Whole Wheat Bread $1
2-Tortilla shells
1-Gortons butterfly shrimp $4.90 after coupon
1-Package split chicken breasts $.99lb
1- Hunts Ketchup $1
Things that I am stocking up on because they are at a good sale price:
4 Soft Soaps-$.35 each after coupon
2 lbs of onions- $.49lb
I am also checking out the Birds Eye and Green Giant Veggies that are $1 each to see which varieties are on sale.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Bored with coupons.
I started a new blog, for my new obession. I am going to lose weight once and for all.
Check it out here.
I have been toying with it for a while but wanted to not share it with anyone that I knew bc dude who wants the world to know what you weigh??? But then I thought it could make for some prime entertainment and dude who I am kidding?? its not like I can hide the fact that I am over weight, its kinda out there anyway.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Kitchen Tip Tuesday- Freezing onions

Monday, April 13, 2009
Free Bag from Kroger
Just a plain black one though, not the one you designed :( but who knows maybe yours will be so super fabulous that the god of Kroger will deem your design worthy enough to be on EVERY Kroger bag and then we (you know the masses) will all have "your" bag.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
I personally am going to get the free hair scrunchies and free Mentos gum (if I can find any in stock).
Based on the number of Register Reward deals it looks like Walgreens is really going to do away with their Easy Saver program and change over to all Register Reward deals. BOO, I like my free after rebate items and always seem to have problems with the register rewards.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Walmart Deals
Kraft Salad Dressing - $1.58
Use $1.50/1 from 3/29 SS
$.08 after coupon
**Iams 4 lb. Puppy Food--$5.00
Use $5/1 from 3/1 Procter and Gamble insert
Free after coupon
Glucerna Cereal--$3.96Use $5/1 printable Free after coupon
Danimals Yogurt--$2.00
Use $1/1 from 3/1 Smartsource insert
$1.00 after coupon
Arm & Hammer Baking Soda--$.48
Use $1/2 printable coupon
2 for Free after coupon
True North Peanut Nut Clusters 5.5 oz.-- $1.00 (these are the small snack size bags)
Use $1/1 from 2/8 Smartsource insert
Free after coupon
Iams Proactive Health Kitten Food (2 lb. bag)--$4.87
Use $5/1 from 3/1 P&G insert
Free after coupon
Starkist Chunk Light Tuna pouches 2.6 oz.--$1.00
Use $1/1 coupon from Vocalpoint home mailer
Free after coupon
Sani Hands for Kids 18 ct. wipes--$1.00
Use $1/1 from 11/2 Smartsource insert
Free after coupon
**Johnson’s Buddies Bar soaps--$0.97
Use $1/1 coupon from 1/4 Redplum insert
Free after coupon
**KY Jelly 2 oz.--$2.59
Use $3 coupon from 1/4 Redplum insert
Free after coupon
Purina Cat Food--$3.97
Use $4/1 printable
Free after coupon
***Beech-Nut Let's Grow Microwaveable Meals--$1.06
Use $1/1 coupon from 1/4 Smartsource insert
$0.06 after coupon
Purina Puppy Chow--$4.12
Use $4/1 printable
$0.12 after coupon
Ludens Throat Drops--$1.12
Use $1/1 from 1/4 Redplum insert
$0.12 after coupon
Cascadian Farms Organic Purely Steam Vegetables--$1.22
Use $1/1 printable
$0.22 after coupon
Muir Glen Tomato Sauce or Diced Tomatoes--$1.24
Use $1/1 printable
$0.24 after coupon
Betty Crocker Pouch Potatoes--$0.68
Use $.40/1 printable
$0.28 after coupon
Mentos Gum--$1.00 - $1.28
Use $1/1 from 3/1 Smartsource insert
Free - $0.28 after coupon
Frank’s Red Hot Sauce--$.88
Use $0.50/1 printable
$0.38 after coupon
Progresso Soup--$1.50
Use $1.10/1 printable
$.40 after coupon
Brita Slim Pitcher--$7.97
Use $5/1 printable (must register)
$2.97 after coupon
Walgreens Deals
use $1 off coupon
Walgreens coupon for $.89
limit 3 and remember to give the manufacture coupon BEFORE the Walgreens coupon
Tide 64 load bottle
use $1 coupon from P&G booklet
Get $3 RR
Like paying $7.99
Photo Prints
Buy 25 get 25 FREE
instore pickup will be $4.75 for 50 prints
Also 5X7 and 8x10 are Buy one Get one Free
instore pick up for 2 5x7's = $1.59
2 8x10's = $1.99
Free After Register Reward Items
Soft Soap Body Wash
Chapstick Naturals
Free After Rebate Items (these are good all month)
1 Black Printer Cartridge Refill
One a Day Multivitamin Drink
Wal-itin allergy relief 30 ct.
Target Deals
matched with the $1/2 coupon
$1.17 each
Huggies baby wipes refill packs are $5.49
matched with the $5 printable
$.49 each
Land O' Lakes Butter (1 lb.)--on sale for $2
Use $0.55/1 coupon
$1.45 each after coupon
Kashie Bars $2.66
matched with $2 coupon
$.66 each
Gillette Body Wash (8.4 oz.)--$2.00 each
Use $2/1 coupon in 3/1 P&G insert
Free after coupon
Renu Multiplus Contact Solution (trial size)--$0.99
Use $1/1 Renu printable
Free after coupon
Shout Wipes (trial size)--$0.97
Use $1/1 Shout Wipes printable
Free after coupon
Pledge Aerosol Furniture Polish or Multi-Surface--$2.50 to $2.74
Use $3/1 Pledge Aerosol printable or $2/1 Pledge Multi-Surface printable
Stack with $1/1 Pledge Target printable
Free after coupons
Honorable Mention
Archer Farms Organic half gallon $2.99
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Walgreens 3/21

(I only count real money like cash, check or credit card that I spend at Walgreens, lots of times this means that my total is 0)
This was done in 2 transactions and I received a $6 RR for each transaction but I will not "count" them until I use them.
Also I did use the rest of the money that I have been rolling on my Walgreens giftcard.
I am sad it is empty.
I have $25 in RR's to use in the next week or so and I plan to use them on some FAR items so I can get some more money on my card with out spending very much out of pocket.
New Shoes

Thursday, March 19, 2009
Food Waste Friday (a tad early and a bit late)
Kroger Trips Number 4 & 5 for the month

Last Consignment Sale of the Season

3 Ralph Lauren Jumpers (1 new with tags)
1 Super cute retro style blanket
1 Razor back teeshirt
2 Polo type shirts
2 Baby Einstein Videos
I kinda accidently fell in love with the clothes and spent $42 for 11 items- average of $3.81 an item which more than I usually pay but I had FUN! I went with my good friend Breanna and it was a very laid back sale unlike some of the others that are CUT THROAT lol.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Kroger MEga Event Coupon Match Ups
Buy 10 save $5 instantly. Look for special tags. Limit 3 per transaction. Prices listed are after the Mega event discount but before any coupons.
Cottonelle Viva 6.49
$1.00/1 Kleenex Viva Towels, 2 pk or 6 pk (Booklet x04/30/09)
$1.00/1 Viva towels, any (3) big roll pkgs or (1) multipack (Other x03/31/09)
$0.55/1 Kleenex Viva (2) single rolls or (1) multi-pack, Any (Booklet x08/31/09)
$0.75/1 Viva Paper Towels, Any (2) Big Roll Packages or (1) Bundle Pack (DND 9) (Blinkie x03/31/09)
$1.00/3 Viva Paper Towels Big Roll Package, Any - 01-11-09 SS (Insert x03/31/09)
$0.50/1 Viva Paper Towels Big Roll Package, Any - 01-11-09 SS (Insert x03/31/09)
$0.35/1 Viva Paper Towels Big Roll Package, Any - 01-11-09 SS (Insert x03/31/09)
$0.75/1 Viva Paper Towels Big Roll Package, Any - 01-11-09 SS (Insert x03/31/09)
$0.75/1 Viva Paper Towels, Any (2) Big Roll Packages or (1) Bundle Pack (DND 5) (Blinkie x03/31/09)
$0.55/1 Kleenex Viva (2) single rolls or (1) multi-pack (Home Mailer x12/31/09)
$0.55/1 Kleenex Viva: (2) Single Rolls or (1) multi pack (Booklet x04/30/09)
$0.55/1 Viva Single Rolls, Any (2) Or (1) Multi-Pack (DND 9) - Kimberly-Clark Madre y Mujer Booklet (Home Mailer x12/31/09)
$0.50/1 Kleenex Viva: (2) single rolls or (1) big roll 2-pack or larger (Printable Rolling) - Offers - print coupons for VIVA paper towels, promotions and special offers
$0.50/1 Kleenex Viva (2) Big Towel products OR (1) Towel Multipack (Printable Rolling) - Offers - coupons for VIVA paper towels, promotions and special offers
Maxwell House coffee 4.99
$1.00/2 Maxwell House, 10.5oz or larger - Reader's Digest, March 2009 (Magazine x04/05/09) Other Grocery Stores coupon: $1.75/3 Eggs, dozen AND (2) Maxwell House or General Foods International Coffees, any--Retailer coupon for Martins (Tearpad x03/31/09)
??Military Commissary coupon: $1.00/1 Maxwell House or Yuban Coffee, Any 3 Lbs. (Tearpad x03/31/09)
$1.00/1 Maxwell House Coffee, Any 11 Oz. + (Inside Package x03/20/09)
starbucks 4pk 4.99
$1.00/2 Starbucks Frappuccino or DoubleShot, Any 4-packs (Tearpad x09/30/09)
tyson frozen chicken 4.99
$1.00/1 Tyson Frozen Chicken or Beef Strips (Booklet x04/05/09)
$1.00/2 Tyson Frozen Chicken Or Beef Strips, Any - 01-04-09 SS (Insert x04/05/09)
$1.00/1 Tyson Frozen Chicken Or Beef Strips, Any - 01-04-09 SS (Insert x04/05/09)
$0.50/1 Tyson Chicken, Steak, Chops or Bacon Product - Emailed complement (Home Mailer x12/31/09)
freschetta pizza 3.99
$1.00/1 Freschetta Pizza Products, Any - 03-01-09 SS (Insert x05/30/09)
$1.00/1 Freschetta Pizzamore Original Crust Pizza (Manufacturer's Coupon with Kroger Logo) (Home Mailer x04/19/09)
$1.25/2 Freschetta Pizzas, Any - 02-08-09 SS (Insert x05/08/09)
$0.75/1 Freschetta Pizza, Any - 02-08-09 SS (Insert x05/08/09)
$0.75/1 Freschetta Pizza, Any (Booklet x05/08/09)
Kroger Chain Stores coupon: $1.00/1 Freschetta PizzAmore Original Crust Pizza, Any (Home Mailer x04/19/09)
$1.00/1 Freschetta Pizza, Any - Found on Product (Peelie x12/31/09)
dole fruit bowls 1.42
$0.55/1 Dole Apple Fruit Bowls (Blinkie x04/30/09)
$0.55/1 Dole Apple Fruit Bowls (Blinkie x04/30/09)
$0.75/2 Dole Fruit Bowls or Fruit Bowls in Gel, Any - 01-11-09 SS (Insert x03/31/09)
$1.00/3 Dole Fruit Bowls or Fruit Bowls in Gel, Any - 01-11-09 SS (Insert x03/31/09)
welch's grape juice, capri sun 2.49
$1.00/2 Welch's 100% juice, 64 oz - "All Well & Good" booklet (Booklet x03/31/09)
$1.00/2 Welch's Juice, Any 64 Oz. (Hangtag x05/31/09)
$1.00/1 Welch's Black Cherry Concord Grape 100% Juice, Any 64 Oz. (Hangtag x03/31/09)
$0.50/1 Welch's product (Excluding Welch's Juice Bars, Fresh Produce, Fruit Snacks, Fruit 'n Yogurt, and Soda products) (Home Mailer x04/30/09)
buitoni pasta & sauce, sargento salad finishers 1.99
$1.00/1 Buitoni any one product (Home Mailer x04/01/09)
$1.00/2 Sargento Product, Any 3 Oz. + (Manufacturer's Coupon with Kroger Logo) (Home Mailer x04/19/09)
$1.50/2 Sargento Salad Finishers Or Potato Finishers, Any - 02-01-09 SS (Insert x03/31/09)
$0.75/1 Sargento Salad Finishers Or Potato Finishers, Any - 02-01-09 SS (Insert x03/31/09)
$0.75/1 Sargento salad or Potato Finishers - Sargento Sliced Cheese (Peelie x09/30/09)
oreo cookies 2.49
$0.55/2 Nabisco OREO cookies (5.25 oz or larger) or OREO Cakesters (3 oz or larger) wyb either of these OREO cookes or OREO Cakesters products AND a carton of milk (8 oz or larger) (Tearpad x03/31/09)
$1.00/2 Kool-Aid (excluding envelopes), Nilla Wafers, Oreo Cookies, Chips Ahoy! Cookies - DND 5, "one coupon per customer, per day" (Booklet x12/31/09)
$1.00/2 Nabisco OREO cookies (5.25 oz or larger) or OREO Cakesters (3 oz or larger) wyb either of these OREO cookes or OREO Cakesters products AND a cart of milk (8 oz or larger) (Tearpad x03/31/09)
$1.00/2 Oreo cookies - found on Oreos (Peelie Rolling)
totino's pizza rolls 40 ct, tgif appetizers 2.49
$1.00/2 Totinos Pizza Rolls, Any Excluding 15 Ct. (Blinkie x04/19/09)
$1.25/2 Totino's Roll Snacks Or Mega Roll Snacks, Any 40 Ct., Manf. Coupon With Kroger Logo (Home Mailer x04/19/09)
$0.35/1 Totinos, any ONE any flavor/variety (Other x04/11/09)
$1.00/1 Totinos, any two packages any flavor/variety (Other x04/04/09)
$1.00/1 Totinos, any two packages of any flavor/variety (Other x05/02/09)
$1.00/2 Totinos, any two packages of any flavor/variety (Other x04/18/09)
$1.00/2 Totinos Roll Snacks, Any (Other x04/11/09)
$1.00/2 Totino's Rolls Snacks, Any - 02-08-09 GM (Insert x05/02/09)
$1.25/2 Totinos Pizza Rolls or Mega Rolls Snacks, 40 count (Manufacturer's Coupon with Kroger Logo) (Home Mailer x04/19/09)
$0.35/1 Totino's Roll Snacks, Any (Other x04/18/09)
$0.35/1 Totino's Rolls Snacks, Any - 02-08-09 GM (Insert x05/02/09)
$0.40/2 Totino's Rolls Snacks, Any - 02-08-09 GM (Insert x05/02/09)
$0.35/1 Totino's Rolls Snacks, Any (Other x05/02/09)
$1.00/2 Totino's Rolls Snacks, Any - 01-18-09 SS (Insert x04/11/09)
$1.00/2 Totinos Pizza Rolls, Any Excluding 15 Ct. (Blinkie x03/22/09)
$1.00/2 Totino's Rolls Snacks, Any - 01-25-09 SS (Insert x04/18/09)
$0.40/2 Totino's Rolls Snacks, Any - 01-25-09 SS (Insert x04/18/09)
$0.35/1 Totino's Rolls Snacks, Any - 01-25-09 SS (Insert x04/18/09)
$0.35/1 Totino's Rolls Snacks, Any - 01-18-09 SS (Insert x04/11/09)
$0.40/2 Totino's Rolls Snacks, Any - 01-18-09 SS (Insert x04/11/09)
$1.00/2 Totino's Roll Snacks, Any - 01-11-09 SS (Insert x04/04/09)
$0.40/2 Totino's Roll Snacks, Any - 01-11-09 SS (Insert x04/04/09)
$0.35/1 Totino's Roll Snacks, Any - 01-11-09 SS (Insert x04/04/09)
$0.55/1 Totinos Pizza Rolls, any flavor or variety (Printable Rolling) - Smart Choices for Every Budget
$0.35/1 Totino's, any flavor/variety (Home Mailer x06/30/09)
$1.00/2 Totino's Rolls Snacks (Printable Rolling) - Coupons Online Coupons
slim-fast optima meal replacement bars .49
$1.40/1 Slim-Fast Bars Ready-to Drink Multi-Pack or Powder Canister, Any (Other x03/31/09)
$1.25/1 Slim-Fast Bars, Any Multi-Pack - 02-08-09 RP (Insert x04/30/09)
$1.00/1 Slim-Fast Bars, Any Multi-Pack - 02-08-09 RP (Insert x04/30/09)
whisker lickin's .49
$1.00/2 Purina Whisker Lickin's Cat Treats, Any - 02-08-09 RP (Insert x05/10/09)
B1G1 Purina Whisker Lickin's, Any 2.1 Or 3 Oz. Pouch - Found on product - valid up to $1.34 (Peelie x03/31/09)
$1.00/2 Purina Whisker Lickin's any size, any variety (Inside Package x12/31/09)
B1G1 Purina Whisker Lickin's, Any 2.1 Or 3 Oz. Pouch - Found On Product - Yellow Peelie - valid up to $1.34 (Peelie x09/30/09)
B1G1 Purina Whisker Lickin's, any size, any variety FREE WYB this package of Tidy Cats brand Cat Litter - valid up to $2.51 (Peelie x04/30/09)
Gorton's seafood 2.49
$1.00/1 Gorton's Premium Product: Premium Breaded Tilapia, Breaded Haddock, Breaded Flounder, Tilapia Fish Sticks, Haddock Fish Sticks, Grilled Salmon, Butterfly Shrimp, Shrimp Scampi, Lemon Shrimp Scampi or Beer Batter Shrimp (Home Mailer x04/30/09)
FREE Celebrate Seafood With Gorton's All Year-FREE Premium 18-Month Wall Calendar with $15 worth of coupons when you buy any 3 Gorton's products (Mail UPCs and CRT) (Tearpad)- valid up to $15.00 (Special Promo x12/31/09)
$1.00/3 Gorton's, any item (Printable Rolling) - Gorton's, Trusted Since 1849*:*Coupons*:*Coupons & Promotions
$1.00/2 Gorton's Products, Any - 03-01-09 SS (Insert x05/09/09)
$0.40/1 Gorton's Product, Any - 03-01-09 SS (Insert x05/09/09)
$0.55/1 Gorton's Product, Any - 03-01-09 SS (Insert x05/09/09)
$1.00/1 Gorton's Shrimp Temptations - found on Gorton's Shrimp Temptations (Peelie x12/31/09)
$0.60/1 Gorton's item, any - "All Well & Good" booklet (Booklet x03/31/09)
$1.00/1 Gorton's Shrimp Item - All You, March 20, 2009 (Magazine x12/31/09)
$0.40/2 Gorton's Grilled Fillet's, Any (Inside Package Rolling)
$0.75/2 Gorton's, Any (Inside Package x12/31/11)
$1.00/2 Gorton's Product, Any (Home Mailer x06/30/09)
$0.40/1 Gorton's Item, Any (Inside Package x12/31/11)
$0.75/1 Gorton's Premium Fillets, Any 17.2 Oz. (Inside Package x12/31/11)
$1.00/2 Gorton's Tilapia Items, Any (Inside Package x12/31/11)
$0.55/2 Gorton's Tenders (Inside Package Rolling)
$1.00/1 Gorton's Shrimp Item, Any ~ Found in Booklet On Heinz Products (Hangtag x12/31/09)
$0.60/1 Gorton's Product, Any (Home Mailer x04/30/09)
$0.75/1 Gorton's Temptation (Inside Package x10/01/10)
$1.00/1 Gorton's Grilled Shrimp or Other Shrimp item - 12-07-08 SS (Insert x03/17/09)
$0.50/2 Gortons Grilled Fillets or grilled salmon (Inside Package x12/31/11)
$0.50/2 Gorton's, Any (Other x10/01/09)
$0.40/1 Gorton's Item, Any (Inside Package x10/01/10)
$0.50/1 Gorton's, Any (Inside Package x06/30/10)
$1.00/1 Gorton's Shrimp Scampi Temptations - The coupon is only for Shrimp Temptation's item. (Inside Package x12/31/11)
$0.45/1 Gorton's Item, any (Inside Package x06/30/09)
$0.40/1 Gorton's Item, Any (Inside Package x06/30/10)
$0.75/1 Gorton's Temptation - Begins with 5, inside Gorton's popcorn shrimp (Inside Package x06/30/09)
Tidy cat 1.49
$1.00/1 Purina Tidy Cats Cat Litter, Any- 02-08-09 RP (Insert x04/30/09)
$2.00/1 Tidy cats cat litter (Home Mailer x06/30/09)
$3.00/1 Purina Brand Pet Food or Tidy Cats Litter (Home Mailer x03/31/10)
classico pasta sauce 1.79
$0.50/1 Classico Sauce, any size, any variety (Home Mailer x05/19/09)
$1.00/2 Classico Pasta Sauce or Pesto Sauce (NWPN) (Winetag x09/30/09)
$1.00/2 Classico Pasta sauce, any (Printable x04/09/09) - Classico® - Register
$1.00/2 Classico Pasta Sauce, any (Little Penguin, NWPN, no state restrictions) (Winetag x04/30/09)
$0.50/1 Classico sauce, any size, any variety (Home Mailer x05/24/09)
$1.00/2 Classico Pasta Sauce (Straccali Wine, NWPN) Note: does not say NWPN, but says Manufacturer's Coupon (Winetag x03/31/09)
$0.50/1 Classico sauce, any size or variety (Home Mailer x05/10/09)
FREE Classico Pasta Sauce, Any. Sent when I contacted them by email. - valid up to $3.49 (Home Mailer x04/30/09)
$1.00/2 Classico Pasta Sauce (Citra Wines, NWPN) (Winetag x03/31/09)
Skintimate 1.49
$1.00/1 Edge Eclipse, Vault or Energy Shave Gel, Any 7 Oz. - Feedback Book From SC Johnson (Booklet x08/31/09)
$1.00/1 Edge Eclipse, Vault or Energy Shaving gel, any 7oz size (Home Mailer x08/31/09)
FREE Skintimate shave product, 7oz or larger. Excludes club packs or special packs. - valid up to $3.00 (Home Mailer x08/31/09)
q tips 1.49
$1.00/2 Q-Tips Cotton Swabs, Any 170 Ct. + - 01-18-09 RP (Insert x04/12/09)
$0.30/1 Q-Tips Cotton Swabs, Any 170 Ct. + - 01-18-09 RP (Insert x04/12/09)
Dixie plastic dinnerware or napkins 1.49
$1.00/1 Dixie Napkins, Any 160, 200, Or 320 Ct. - 01-18-09 RP (Insert x03/15/09)
B2G1 KC Masterpiece Barbecue Sauce Free WYB any 2 packs of Dixie Napkins - valid up to $2.50 (Tearpad x03/31/09)
B2G1 Pasta, any FREE WYB (2) Dixie Ultra plates - valid up to $2 (Tearpad x03/31/09)
$2.00/3 Cereal, any Save $2.00 WYB (2) Dixie Ultra Bowls (Tearpad x03/31/09)
Pepperidge farm frozen toast 1.49
$1.00/1 Pepperidge Farm frozen bread, any (Other x05/28/09)
$1.00/1 Pepperidge Farm product - bakery, cookie, cracker, or frozen product (5 oz or larger only) (Home Mailer x12/31/09)
$0.50/1 Pepperidge Farm product - bakery, cookie, cracker, or frozen product (5 oz or larger only) (Home Mailer x12/31/09)
$3.00/1 Pepperidge Farm Product, Any (Home Mailer x12/31/09)
$1.00/2 Pepperidge Farm Frozen Bread, Any - 01-18-09 SS (Insert x04/18/09)
$0.40/1 Pepperidge Farm Frozen Bread, Any - 01-18-09 SS (Insert x04/18/09)
$1.00/1 Swanson, Pace, Prego, Pepperidge Farm, V8, Campbell's--Coupon Specifically states "Multiple coupons of this series MAY be credited toward the purchase of ONE or more of the Campbell products indicated above."--It also says the coupon may be used on one OR more Campbell products. (Home Mailer x12/31/09)
$2.00/1 Swanson, Pace, Prego, Pepperidge Farm, V8, Campbell's--Coupon Specifically states "Multiple coupons of this series MAY be credited toward the purchase of ONE or more of the Campbell products indicated above."--It also says the coupon may be used on one OR more Campbell products. (Home Mailer x12/31/09)
$0.55/1 Pepperidge Farm Frozen Bread --Found on Prego sauce'. (Hangtag x04/30/09)
$1.00/1 Pepperidge Farm Product, Any (Home Mailer Rolling)
$0.55/1 Pepperidge Farm bread, Any - Found On Product (Peelie x09/30/09)
$3.00/1 Swanson, Pace, Prego, V8, Campbell's, Pepperidge Farm, any (Home Mailer x04/30/09)
Ken's salad dressing 1.49
.35/1 Ken's Salad Dressing, Any - 03-08-09 SS - Insert(x4-30-09)
$2 Ken's Salad Dressing, Any - 03-08-09 SS - Insert(x4-30-09)
$1 Ken's Salad Dressing, Any - 03-08-09 SS - Insert(x4-30-09)
$1/2 Ken's Salad Dressing, Any - 03-08-09 SS - Insert(x4-30-09)
Snyder's pretzels 1.99
$0.50 any variety of Snyder's Of Hanover 16 or 20oz pretzels Upromise earnings with ecoupons, Chain Stores coupon: $1.00/2 Snyder's of Hanover Pretzels, Any (Home Mailer x03/15/09)
$1.00/2 Snyder's Of Hanover Pretzels, Any (Home Mailer x03/15/09)
$1.00/1 Snyder's of Hanover Multi-Grain Snack, Any (Other x03/31/09)
$0.75/1 Snyder's Of Hanover Multigrain Snack, Any 5 Oz. + - 01-04-09 SS (Insert x03/31/09)
$1.00/1 Snyder's Of Hanover Multigrain Snack, Any 5 Oz. + - 01-04-09 SS (Insert x03/31/09)
Armour meatballs 1.99
B1G1 Armour Meatball Product, Any And Get Free Pasta WYB - 03-01-09 SS - valid up to $1.00 (Insert x05/31/09)
$1.00/1 Armour or Armour To Go item (Home Mailer x12/31/09)
$0.55/1 Armour Meatball Product, Any - 01-11-09 SS (Insert x04/30/09)
$0.55/1 Armour Appetizer Meatball product, any - 12-07-08 SS (Insert x03/31/09)
Oscar mayer weiners 1.49
$1.00/2 Oscar Mayer Product And/Or Kraft Deli Deluxe Process Cheese Slices, Any (DND 5) "one coupon, per customer per day" - Food & Family "Traditional Family Recipes with a Twist (Booklet x12/31/09)
MM with coupon and loadableGeneral mills chex mix 1.49
$0.60/1 any flavor 4.5 OZ. + Chex Mix OR Chex 100 Calorie Snack, loadable on Kroger card from
$0.60/1 Chex Mix or Chex 100 Calorie Snack (Printable Rolling) - Coupons and Promotions from
$0.50/1 General Mills Cheerios Snack Mix, Any Size/Flavor, OR Chex Mix or Chex Mix 100 Calorie Snack, Any 4.5 Oz. + - 02-22-09 SS (Insert x04/18/09)
$1.00/2 General Mills Cheerios Snack Mix, Any Size OR Chex Mix Or Chex 100 Calorie Snack Mix, Any 4.5 Oz. + - 01-25-09 SS (Insert x03/21/09)
$0.50/1 General Mills Cheerios Snack Mix, Any Size OR Chex Mix Or Chex 100 Calorie Snack Mix, Any 4.5 Oz. + - 01-25-09 SS (Insert x03/21/09)
$0.60/1 Chex Mix or Chex 100 Calorie snack, 4.5 oz or larger (Printable Rolling) - Coupons Homepage
$0.60/1 Chex Mix or Chex 100 Calorie Snack Mix, 4.5 oz or larger (Printable Rolling) - Coupons from Betty Crocker
$0.50/2 General Mills Chex Mix, Any 4.5 Oz. + Or Chex 100 Calorie Snack - Found On Bag of Chex Mix (Peelie x05/01/09)
$1.00/1 Chex Mix Bars, any flavor (Printable Rolling) - Smart Choices for Every Budget
$0.60/1 Chex Mix bars, any box (Printable Rolling) - Coupons Homepage
$0.60/1 Chex Mix Bars, any box (Printable Rolling) - Coupons and Promotions from
$0.60/1 Chex Mix Bars, any flavor, any box (Printable Rolling) - Coupons from Betty Crocker
$1.00/2 Chex Mix Bars (Printable Rolling) - Coupons
Gardetto's bugles 1.49 Keebler fudge shoppe 1.49
$1.00/2 Kellogg's And/Or Keebler Cookies And/Or Crackers, Any 8 Oz. + - Found On Keebler Cookies (Peelie x05/02/09)
$1.00/2 Keebler Fudge Shoppe Cookies (8.5oz or larger, any flavor, mix or match) - Winning Recipes and Super Savings booklet (Booklet x03/31/09)
$1.00/4 Kelloggs, Keebler, Murray, Sunshine Cookies, Crackers, Snacks, Any (2) 4.4 Oz. + AND (2)Smuckers Sugar-Free or Low Sugar Jams, Jellies, Preserves (Home Mailer x03/31/09)
$1.00/3 Kelloggs, Keebler, Murray, Sunshine Cookies, Crackers or Snacks, Any (2) 4.4 Oz. + AND (1) Sue Bee Honey (Home Mailer x03/31/09)
$1.00/3 Kellogg's, Keebler, Murray, Sunshine Cookies, Crackers, or Snacks, Any (2) 4.4 Oz. +
Kellogg's special k bars 1.99
$1.00/1 Kellogg's Special K Protein Product (4ct or larger, any flavor) (has Food Lion Logo on it) - big book of Health & Beauty (Food Lion) (Booklet x03/31/09)
$0.70/1 Kellogg's Special K Protein or All-Bran Fiber Product, Any 4 Count + - 02-22-09 RP (Insert x04/19/09)
Kellogg's rice krispie treats or nutri grain bars 1.99
$1.00/2 Kellogg's Cereal, Any 10 Oz. + - 02-22-09 RP (Insert x04/05/09)
$0.70/1 Kellogg's Cereal, Any 10 Oz. + - 02-22-09 RP (Insert x04/05/09)
Sargento cheese 1.49
$1/2 Sargento Product, Any 3 Oz. + (Manufacturer's Coupon with Kroger Logo) home mailer
$1/2 Sargento Natural Shredded Cheese, Any 5 Oz. + - 01-25-09 SS insert
.50/2 Sargento Natural Shredded Cheese, Any 5 Oz. + - 01-25-09 SS insert
.40/2 Sargento Natural Shredded Cheese, Any 5 Oz. + - 01-25-09 SS Insert
.55/2 Sargento Natural Shredded Cheese, Any 5 Oz. + - 01-25-09 SS insert
MM with loadable and couponpillsbury frozen toaster strudel 1.49
$.50/1 any Pillsbury Toaster Strudel Pastries loadable on Kroger card from
$1.10/1 Pillsbury Toaster Strudel Pastries, Any (Single Page Flyer x03/30/09)
$1.00/2 Pillsbury Toaster Strudel Pastries, Any - 02-08-09 GM (Insert x05/02/09)
$0.55/2 Pillsbury Toaster Strudel Pastries, Any - 02-08-09 GM (Insert x05/02/09)
$0.35/1 Pillsbury Toaster Strudel Pastries, Any - 02-08-09 GM (Insert x05/02/09)
$1.00/2 Pillsbury Toaster Strudel Pastries, Any - 01-04-09 GM (Insert x03/28/09)
$0.35/1 Pillsbury Toaster Strudel Pastries (Printable Rolling) -
FREE Pillsbury Toaster Strudel Pastries, one box any - valid up to $2.99 (Other x05/25/09)
$0.55/2 Pillsbury Toaster Strudel Pastries, Any - 01-04-09 GM (Insert x03/28/09)
$0.35/1 Pillsbury Toaster Strudel Pastries, Any - 01-04-09 GM (Insert x03/28/09)
$1.00/1 Pillsbury Crescent Dinner Rolls, Ready to Bake Cookies, Sweet Rolls, Grands Sweet Rolls, Toaster Strudel Pastries, Grands Biscuits, or Grands Frozen Biscuits, Any (Home Mailer x05/31/09)
dannon or activia yogurt 1.99
$1.00/1 Dannon Activia Drinks, Any 4-Pack - 03-01-09 SS (Insert x06/30/09)
$1.00/1 Dannon DanActive or DanActive Light, Any 4-Pack - 03-01-09 SS (Insert x05/31/09)
$1.00/1 Dannon Activa Fiber, Any 4-Pack (DND 5) - 03-01-09 SS (Insert x06/30/09)
$1.00/1 Dannon Dan-O-Nino, Any 6-Pack - 03-01-09 SS (Insert x06/01/09)
$1.00/1 Dannon Danimals Crush Cups, Any - 03-01-09 SS (Insert x06/01/09)
$1.00/1 Dannon Danimals, Any - 03-01-09 SS (Insert x06/01/09)
$1.00/1 Dannon Light & Fit Nonfat Yogurt, Any 6-Pack - 03-01-09 SS (Insert x05/01/09)
$0.55/1 Dannon Danimals Crush Cup, Any 4-Pack (DND 9) (Blinkie x04/30/09)
$1.00/1 Dannon DanActive, (2) 4-Pack or (1) 8-Pack (Home Mailer x04/30/09)
$1.00/1 Dannon DanActive, Any 4-Pack (Home Mailer x03/31/09)
$1.00/6 Dannon Yogurt Fruit on the Bottom, Any Cups (DND 9) (Blinkie x03/31/09)
$0.55/1 Dannon Danimals Crush Cup, Any 4-Pack (DND 5) (Blinkie x04/30/09)
$1.00/1 Dannon Danimals Crush Cup, Any 4-Pack (Bricks) (Printable Rolling) - Print Your Coupon
$1.00/1 Dannon Danimals Crush Cup, Any 4-Pack (Bricks) (Printable x03/15/09) - http://
$0.25/1 Dannon Yogurt Product, Any 6 Oz. (Home Mailer x12/31/09)
FREE Dannon Yogurt, Any 6 Oz. Product - valid up to $1.05 (Home Mailer x12/31/09)
$0.75/1 Dannon Light and Fit, 1 6 pack(6 4oz cups) (Printable Rolling) - Print Your Coupon
$1.00/10 Dannon Light & Fit Yogurt, 6 oz cups (Printable Rolling) - Print Your Coupon
$1.00/1 Dannon DanActive, Any 4-Pack (Blinkie x03/31/09)
Kroger Chain Stores coupon: $1.00/1 Dannon 4, 6, or 12-Pack - says valid only at Kroger, found on Dannon products (Peelie x06/30/09)
$1.00/1 Dannon Danimals 6, 8, or 12-Pack. - found on Danimals Drinkables (Peelie x03/15/09)
B6G1 Dannon Yogurt, Any 6 Oz. Cup - 02-01-09 SS - valid up to $1.00 (Insert x03/15/09)
$0.60/6 Dannon Yogurt Single-Serve Cups, Any 6 Oz. + - 02-01-09 SS (Insert x03/15/09)
$1.00/10 Dannon Yogurt Single-Serve Cups, Any 6 Oz. + - 02-01-09 SS (Insert x03/15/09)
$1.00/6 Dannon Yogurt Fruit on the Bottom, Any Cups (Blinkie x03/31/09)
$0.50/1 Dannon Yogurt Product, Any Excluding 6 Oz. Yogurt Cup (Home Mailer x12/31/09)
$0.75/1 Dannon Light & Fit 6-pack (Found on Light & Fit) (Peelie x05/30/09)
$1.00/1 Dannon Danimals Product, Any - Found on Danimals Drinkables and Danimals Cups (Peelie x04/30/09)
$1.00/1 Dannon Activia Drinks 4-pack (Found on Dannon Activia Drinks) (Peelie x08/31/09)
$1.00/1 Dannon Activia Fiber 4-pack, any (Found on Dannon Activia Fiber) (Peelie x08/31/09)
B3G1 Kellogg's All-Brand Cereals, Buy Any (2) 11.4 Oz. + And Get (1) Dannon Activia, Any 4-Pack Free - valid up to $3.50 (Tearpad x09/30/09)
B6G1 Dannon Light & Fit 6 oz. - valid up to $1.09 (Blinkie x03/31/09)
FREE Dannon Activia, 2-week supply. TMF. - Dannon Activia Challenge. - valid up to $12.00 (Try-Me-Free x03/31/09) -
$1.00/1 Dannon DanActive or DanActive Light 4-pack (DND-5) - 01-11-09 SS (Insert x04/30/09)
$1.00/1 Dannon Activia or Activia Light 4-pack (DND-5) - 01-11-09 SS (Insert x04/30/09)
$0.50/1 Dannon, this specially marked package - found on the Dannon product (Peelie x12/31/09)
$1.00/10 Dannon 6 oz. Single-Serve Cups (Store Ad Flyer x03/31/09)
$1.00/1 Dannon Dan Active or DanActive Light 4-pack (Store Ad Flyer x03/31/09)
$1.00/1 Dannon multi-pack, any (starts with 5 so will double) - Dannon yogurt packs (Peelie x12/31/09)
$1.00/1 Dannon DanActive, Any 4-Pack (Home Mailer x03/15/09)
$1.00/1 Dannon Danimals 8-pack or two 4-packs (Other x09/17/09)
$1.00/1 Activia Drinks or Activia Fiber, 4-pack (Store Ad Flyer x08/31/09)
$1.00/1 Activia, any 4-pack - DND5 (Tearpad x04/30/09)
Stayfree maxi pads 1.99
$2.00/2 Stayfree Products, Any - 02-22-09 RP (Insert x04/30/09)
$1.00/1 Stayfree, any (Printable x03/31/09) - Print Your Coupon
$0.55/1 Stayfree Dry Max, any except trial size (Home Mailer Rolling)
$1.00/1 Stayfree, any product (excluding trial size) - found in specially marked pkg of Children's Tylenol 7/2008 (Inside Package Rolling)
$1.50/1 Stayfree Dry Max Product, any (Peelie Rolling)
$1.00/1 Stayfree Advanced Protection - Found on product (Peelie Rolling)
$0.55/1 Stayfree Ultra - On Product (Inside Package Rolling)
$1.00/1 Stayfree Or OB (Peelie Rolling)
$1.00/1 Carefree Or Stayfree Product (Peelie Rolling) Carefree liners 1.99
$1.50/1 Carefree Product, Any 34 count or higher (Printable Rolling) - Print Your Coupon
$1.00/1 Carefree Product, Any (Home Mailer x03/30/09)
$1.00/2 Carefree Products, Any 34 Ct. + - 02-22-09 RP (Insert x04/30/09)
$1.00/1 Carefree Product, Any Excluding Trial Size - Cosmopolitan, March 2009 (Magazine x03/31/10)
$1.00/1 Carefree Product, any excluding trial sizes - Parents, March 2009 (Magazine x03/31/10)
$1.00/1 Carefree Product, Any (Home Mailer x12/31/09)
$1.00/1 Carefree Product, Any Excluding Trial Size - Shape, March 2009 (Magazine x03/31/10)
$1.00/1 Carefree Product, Any Excluding Trial Size - Seventeen February 2009 (Magazine x03/31/10)
$1.00/1 Carefree Product, Any Excluding Trial Size - Cosmopolitan, February 2009 (Magazine x12/31/09)
$1.00/1 Carefree Product, Any Excluding Trial Size - Parents, February 2009 (Magazine x12/31/09)
$1.00/1 Carefree Product, Any Excluding Trial Size - Glamour, February 2009 (Magazine x12/31/09)
$1.00/1 Carefree Product, Any Excluding Trial Size - Shape, February, 2009 (Magazine x12/31/09)
$1.00/1 Carefree product, any (Home Mailer x03/30/09)
$2.00/1 Carefree Hair remover, any (Hangtag x12/31/09)
B1G1 Carefree After Hair Removal Totally Smooth Daily Moisturizer FREE WYB "this" product - max value $8.99 (Peelie Rolling)
$2.00/1 Carefree Hair Remover Product (Home Mailer x12/31/09)
$5.00/1 Carefree Hair Remover Product, any Excludeds Bonus Packs - Found on Carefree Pantiliner Package @CVS (Peelie Rolling)
$1.00/1 Carefree Pads Or Liners 36-60ct (economy Pk) (Other Rolling)
$0.50/1 Carefree Any Product (Printable Rolling) - CAREFREE® Special Offers - Sign Up for Coupons
$1.00/1 Carefree Or Stayfree Product (Peelie Rolling)
$1.00/1 Carefree (Peelie Rolling)
Kotex maxi pads or security 2.49
$1/1 KOTEX Product loadable on Kroger card from
$0.75/1 Kotex product (10ct or larger) - purchase must total $0.75 or more retailer will not give change (Home Mailer x03/31/10)
$1.00/1 Kotex Pads, Lightdays pantiliners, or Security Tampons (has Food Lion logo on it) - big book of Health & Beauty (Food Lion) (Booklet x05/12/09)
$0.75/1 Kotex Pads, Lightdays Pantiliners Or Security Tampons, Any (DND 9) - Madre y Mujer (Home Mailer x12/31/09)
$1.00/2 Kotex Security Tampons, Any - 02-22-09 SS (Insert x04/18/09)
$0.75/1 Kotex Security Tampons, Any - 02-22-09 SS (Insert x04/18/09)
$1.00/1 Kotex Pads, Any - 02-22-09 SS (Insert x04/18/09)
$0.75/1 Kotex Pads or Kotex Lightdays or Kotex Security Tampons, Any (Other x04/30/09)
$0.75/1 Kotex Pads, Lightdays Pantiliners Or Security Tampons, Any (DND 5) - Madre y Mujer (Home Mailer x12/31/09)
$0.75/1 Kotex Security Tampons, one package (Printable Rolling) - Coupons Online Coupons
$1.00/1 Kotex Overnight Pads - Found on product in CVS (Peelie x05/31/09)
$1.00/1 Kotex Product, Any (Home Mailer x03/31/09)
$0.75/1 Kotex Pads, Lightdays Pantiliners, or Security Tampons, Any (Home Mailer x12/31/09)
$0.75/1 Kotex Products, Any 10 Ct. + Not Valid On Trial Size (Home Mailer x03/31/09)
$1.00/1 Kotex products, any one package (Inside Package x03/31/09)
$0.75/1 Kotex Tampons (19ct or larger) or pads (Inside Package x06/30/09)
$0.50/1 Kotex product, any - Found On kotex pads (Peelie x06/30/09)
$0.75/1 Kotex Pads, Lightdays Pantiliners, or Security Tampons, Any - Madre y mujer (Home Mailer x12/31/09)
$1.00/1 Kotex, any - Found on pads and tampons (Peelie x06/30/09)
Johnson&J baby care, softsoap, irish spring 2.49
$1.00/1 Johnson's Baby Product, Any - 03-08-09 RP (Insert x06/10/09)
Kroger Chain Stores coupon: $2.00/2 Johnson's Baby or Desitin Products, Any Excludes Trial Sizes (Catalina x05/22/09)
$1.50/1 Johnson's Shampoo, Conditioner Or Detangling Spray, Any (Home Mailer x12/31/09)
$1.00/1 Johnson's Body Care Product for Women (excludes trial size) (Printable Rolling) - Print Your Coupon
$3.00/2 Johnson & Johnson Red Cross Brand FirstAid Product, Any 2 (Printable x03/21/09) - Coupons Online Coupons
$1.00/1 Johnson's Body Care Product, Any - 02-22-09 RP (Insert x05/31/09)
$1.00/1 Johnson's Baby or Johnson's Buddies Product, excluding trial sizes (Other x03/31/09)
$2.00/1 Johnson & Johnson Red Cross Brand Product, Any (Fine print states valid on items valued over $3) - Found on Rolled Gauze (Peelie x07/31/09)
$3.00/1 Johnson's Gift Set, Any Excluding Take Along Pack (Home Mailer x12/31/09)
$1.00/1 Johnson & Johnson Band-Aid Product, Any Excluding Trial Size - 02-08-09 SS (Insert x05/31/09)
$1.00/1 Johnson & Johnson First Aid, Any Excluding Trial Size - 02-08-09 SS (Insert x05/31/09)
Kroger Chain Stores coupon: $1.00/1 Johnson's or Aveeno Baby Product, Any 9 Oz. + (Other x04/19/09)
$3.00/2 Johnson & Johnson First Aid products, Any Excluding First Aid To-Go Kit And Trial Sizes- Power To Heal Booklet (Booklet x06/30/09)
$3.00/2 Johnson & Johnson Product, Any (Blinkie x04/30/09)
$1.00/1 Johnson's Baby Oil (Printable Rolling) - Print Your Coupon
Kroger Chain Stores coupon: $3.00/3 Johnson's Baby or Desitin Products, Any Excludes Trial Sizes (Catalina x04/17/09)
$3.00/1 Johnson & Johnson Gift Set, Any Excluding Take Along Pack (Home Mailer x12/21/09)
$1.00/1 Johnson's Buddies (Printable Rolling) - Print Your Coupon
$1.00/1 Johnson's Baby Product or Johnson's Buddies Product, Any - 01-04-09 RP (Insert x03/31/09)
$3.00/3 Johnsons Products, Any Excluding 4 Oz. (Printable Rolling) - Print Your Coupon
$1.00/1 Johnson's Melt Away Stress or any Johnson's Body Care Product (excluding trial sizes) (Printable Rolling) - http://
$2.00/1 Johnson's Bedtime Sweet Sleep Set or Dream set or Two (2) Johnson's Bedtime Bath, Johnson's Bedtime Lotion (Printable Rolling) -
$1.00/1 Johnson's Soothing Vapor Product, 30-day rolling (Printable Rolling) - Print Your Coupon
$1.50/1 Johnsons shampoo, conditioner or detangling spray (Home Mailer x06/30/09)
$1.50/1 Johnson's Bedtime ToddlerWash or Bedtime Easy Grip Toddle Sudzing Bar (Home Mailer x06/30/09)
$1.00/1 Johnson's Baby Product - any, excluding trial size (Home Mailer x06/30/09)
$1.00/1 Johnson's Take Along Gift Pack (Printable Rolling) - Print Your Coupon
$1.00/1 Johnson's Head to Toe Baby Wash (Printable Rolling) -
$1.00/1 Johnson's Baby Oil or any Johnson's Baby Oil Gel, any size (Printable Rolling) -
$2.00/2 johnson's head to toe baby wash, baby shampoo, baby lotion, and desitin creamy ointment 45 day rolling (no sizes listed) (Printable Rolling) - Print a coupon
Purex aundry detergent 2.49
$0.35/1 Purex Ultra Concentrate Or Natural Elements Liquid Laundry Detergent, Any - 03-08-09 SS (Insert x05/01/09)
$0.75/1 Purex Liquid Laundry Detergent, Any 50 Oz. + - My Magazine By Kroger (Home Mailer x04/19/09)
$0.50/1 Purex, liquid or dry detergent (Home Mailer x04/27/09)
lean cuisine, stouffer's red box 1.49
Kroger Chain Stores coupon: $1.50/8 Lean Cuisine Varieties, Any (Catalina x03/13/09)
$1.00/4 Stouffer's OR Lean Cuisine entrees, any (Other x04/30/09)
Kroger Chain Stores coupon: $1.50/8 Lean Cuisine Varieties, Any (Catalina x03/18/09)
Kroger Chain Stores coupon: $1.00/2 Lean Cuisine Varieties, Any (Catalina x03/26/09)
$1.00/2 Stouffer's Lean Cuisine - Walgreens Diabetes & You, November 2008 (Magazine x04/30/09)
betty crocker fruit snacks 1.49
$.75/2 boxes any flavor Betty Crocker Fruit by the Foot, Fruit Gushers, Fruit Roll-Ups OR Fruit Roll-Ups Fruit Stickerz loadable on Kroger card from
$0.50/2 Betty Crocker Fruit Shapes, Fruit by the Foot, Fruit Gushers, Fruit Roll-ups OR Fruit Roll-Ups, Fruit Stickerz Fruit Flavored Snacks, Any - 03-08-09 SS (Insert x05/02/09)
$1.00/2 Betty Crocker Fruit Shapes, Fruit by the Foot, Fruit Gushers, Fruit Roll-ups OR Fruit Roll-Ups, Fruit Stickerz Fruit Flavored Snacks, Any - 03-08-09 SS (Insert x05/02/09)
$0.75/2 Betty Crocker Fruit by the Foot, Fruit Roll-Ups or Fruit Roll-ups Fruit Stickerz Fruit Flavored snacks (Printable Rolling) - Coupons and Promotions from
$1.00/2 Betty Crocker Fruit Shapes, Fruit by the Foot, Fruit Gushers, Fruit Roll-Ups OR Fruit Roll-Ups Fruit Stickerz Fruit Flavored Snacks, any - Found on Fruit Gushers Boxes (Peelie x05/13/09)
$1.00/3 Betty Crocker Fruit Shapes, Fruit by the Foot, Fruit Gushers, Fruit Roll-ups, or Fruit Stickerz, Any - 02-08-09 GM (Insert x04/04/09)
$0.50/2 Betty Crocker Fruit Shapes, Fruit by the Foot, Fruit Gushers, Fruit Roll-ups, or Fruit Stickerz, Any - 02-08-09 GM (Insert x04/04/09)
$0.50/2 Betty Crocker Fruit Shapes, Fruit By The Foot, Fruit Gushers, Fruit Roll-Ups Or Fruit Stickerz, Any Boxes - Booklet Unknown (Booklet x04/04/09)
$1.00/2 Betty Crocker Fruit Roll-ups Fruit Stickerz Fruit Flavored Snacks, Any - 02-01-09 SS (Insert x03/28/09)
$0.50/1 Betty Crocker Fruit Roll-ups Fruit Stickerz Fruit Flavored Snacks, Any - 02-01-09 SS (Insert x03/28/09)
$0.75/2 Betty Crocker Fruit by the Foot, Fruit Gushers, Fruit Rollups Flavored Snacks (Printable Rolling) -
$1.00/3 Betty Crocker Fruit By The Foot, Fruit Gushers, Fruit Roll-Ups, or Fruit Roll-Ups Fruit Stickerz Fruit Flavored Snacks (Home Mailer x05/31/09)
B3G1 Betty Crocker Fruit Snacks, Any Box (Fruit Shapes, Fruit By The Foot, Fruit Gushers, or Fruit Roll-Ups) FREE WYB Any (3) General Mills Cereal, 8.4 Oz. + - Found On General Mills Cereals (Blue Peelie) - valid up to $3.72 (Peelie x08/24/09)
$1.00/2 Betty Crocker Fruit Roll-Ups Fruit Stickerz Fruit flavored snacks - found on product DND 5 (Peelie x04/19/09)
$0.75/2 Betty Crocker Fruit by the Foot, etc (Printable Rolling) -
$1.00/1 General Mills Cereal, Fiber One Chewy bars, Nature Valley Granola Bars, Betty Crocker Fruit Snacks, PopSecret Popcorn, Hamburger Helper, Home Cooked Skillet Meals or Betty Crocker potatoes - Green Peelie on package (Peelie x08/23/09)
B2G1 Betty Crocker Fruit Snacks up to $2.60 wyb (2) Boxes Nature Valley Granola Bar Value Packs or any flavor Fiber One Chewy Bars (Peelie x05/08/09)
Kroger Chain Stores coupon: $1.00/2 Betty Crocker Fruit Shapes, Fruit by the Foot, Fruit Gushers, Fruit Roll-ups or Fruit Stickerz, Any - My Magazine From Kroger (Home Mailer x04/19/09)
ziploc storage bags 1.99
$0.55/1 Ziploc Brand Easy Zipper Bags, Any (Inside Package x12/31/09)
$1.00/2 Ziploc Brand Bags - right@home (Booklet x06/26/09)
$0.35/1 Ziploc Brand Easy Zipper Bags with Expandable Bottom, Any - 02-22-09 SS (Insert x04/18/09)
$1.00/2 Ziploc Brand Easy Zipper Bags with Expandable Bottom, Any - 02-22-09 SS (Insert x04/18/09)
$0.55/1 Ziploc Brand Easy Zipper Bags with Expandable Bottom, Any - 02-22-09 SS (Insert x04/18/09)
$1.50/2 Ziploc Brand Bags, Any (Other x04/30/09)
$0.40/1 Ziploc Brand Bag, any - Weight Watchers, April 2009 (Magazine x06/15/09)
$1.50/2 Ziploc Brand Bag or Container (Printable Rolling) - Food Storage Ziploc® Bags and Containers
$0.75/1 Ziploc Brand Bag or Container (Printable Rolling) -
$1.00/2 Ziploc brand bags, any - Taste of Home, February 2009 (Magazine x05/31/09)
$1.00/2 Ziploc Brand Freezer Bags, Any - 02-08-09 SS (Insert x04/04/09)
$0.40/1 Ziploc Brand Freezer Bags, Any - 02-08-09 SS (Insert x04/04/09)
$0.10/1 Ziploc Bags, Any (No Bar Code, Numbers Only, Double Sided) (Inside Package Rolling)
$1.00/2 Ziploc Brand Bags, Any (Home Mailer x05/31/09)
$0.75/1 Ziploc brand product, any (Home Mailer x03/31/09)
$1.50/2 Ziploc Brand Bags - All You, February 20, 2009 (Magazine x04/30/09)
$1.00/1 Ziploc Product - found on Ziploc containers and bags at Target (Peelie x04/30/09)
$0.75/1 Ziploc Brand Containers, any (Home Mailer x03/31/09)
$1.00/2 Ziploc Brand Bags, Any (Home Mailer x03/31/09
$1.00/1 Ziploc Brand Easy Zipper Bags with Expandable Bottom & Fresh Shield, Any (Tearpad x09/30/09)
$0.75/1 Ziploc Brand Containers, any (Home Mailer x06/30/09)
$1.00/2 Ziploc Brand Bags (Printable Rolling) -
$1.00/1 Ziploc Brand Easy Zipper Bags with Expandable Bottom & Fresh Shield (Tearpad x09/30/09)
B1G1 Ziploc Easy Zipper Bags, Any. MIR: Buy (2), get refund for (1) - Received by 7/15/09. valid up to $2.49 (Mail in Rebate x06/30/09) -
$0.55/1 Ziploc Brand Freezer Bags, Any (Inside Package x06/30/09)
B2G1 Ziploc Brand Bags Bonus Packs Buy any Two get any Ziploc Brand Bag Free up to $2.99 (Tearpad x07/15/09
$1.00/2 Ziploc Brand Bags, Any (Inside Package x06/30/09)
Nature valley or fiber one cereal bars 1.99
$.75/1 any of the following Fiber One products: cereal, chewy bars, yoplait multipacks yogurt, muffin mix or complete pancake mix - expires 3-27-09 loadable from
$1/2 any of the following Fiber One products: cereal, chewy bars, yoplait multipacks yogurt, muffin mix or complete pancake mix - expires 4-27-09 loadable from
$0.60/1 Nature Valley granola Bars, any flavor/any variety (Printable Rolling) - http://
$0.60/1 Nature Valley Granola bars (Printable Rolling) - Coupons Homepage
$0.60/1 Nature Valley Granola Bars, any flavor/variety (Other x04/03/09)
Kroger Chain Stores coupon: FREE Betty Crocker Nature Valley Granola Bars, Any 7.4 Oz. to 8.9 Oz. (Kroger Store Coupon, Smith's Logo, Valid At Kroger Family of Stores, Excluding Food 4 Less, DND) - Personalized Savings Just For You (Home Mailer x04/19/09)
$0.50/1 Nature Valley Granola Bars, any flavor/variety Que Rica Vida/Spring 2009 (Home Mailer x03/25/09)
$0.60/1 Nature Valley Granola Bars, any flavor/variety (Printable Rolling) -
$1.00/1 General Mills Cereal, Fiber One Chewy bars, Nature Valley Granola Bars, Betty Crocker Fruit Snacks, PopSecret Popcorn, Hamburger Helper, Home Cooked Skillet Meals or Betty Crocker potatoes - Green Peelie on package (Peelie x08/23/09)
$0.60/1 Nature Valley Granola Bars (Printable Rolling) - Coupons and Promotions from
$1.00/2 Nature Valley Granola Bars, Oats 'n Honey OR Oats & Chocolate Fiber One Chewy bars - pink peelie found on GM cereals (Peelie x03/22/09)
B2G1 Betty Crocker Fruit Snacks up to $2.60 wyb (2) Boxes Nature Valley Granola Bar Value Packs or any flavor Fiber One Chewy Bars (Peelie x05/08/09)
daisy sour cream, kozy shak pudding 1.49
$0.25/1 Kozy Shack No Sugar Added Product, Any - Shape, March 2009 (Magazine x05/31/09)
$1.00/1 Kozy Shack No Sugar Added Product, any (Printable Rolling) - Hot Coupon World HCW - Smart Source Printable Coupons
Doritos or lays kettle chips 1.99
$1.00/1 Kettle Brand Baked Potato Chips 4 oz. bag (Other x03/21/09)
$1.00/1 Kettle Brand Baked Potato Chips, 4 oz bag (Printable x03/18/09) -
$1.00/1 Kettle Brand Baked Potato Chips, any 4 oz. bag (Other x04/19/09)
$3.00/2 Lay's Kettle Cooked Potato Chips 8.5oz or larger (Smoking Loon, NWPN, no state restrictions) (Winetag Rolling)
breyer's ice cream, ben and jerry's and sara lee pies 2.49
$1.00/2 Breyers Ice Cream Products, Any (Home Mailer x02/28/10)
$1.00/2 Breyers Ice Cream products, Any 1.5-1.75 Quarts - My Magazine From Kroger (Home Mailer x04/19/09)
Kroger Chain Stores coupon: $1.25/2 Breyers Ice Cream, Any 1.5-1.75 Quarts (Home Mailer x04/19/09)
FREE Sara Lee Frozen Product, Any - valid up to $7.00 (Home Mailer x07/31/09)
$1.00/2 Breyers Ice Cream Products (excludes novelties) - Price Chopper Saver (KS/MO) (Booklet x08/31/09)
soft soap, suave invisible solids or irish spring 3 bar .99
$2.00/2 Suave Hair, Lotion or Deodorant, Any (Manf. Coupon With Kroger Logo) (Home Mailer x04/19/09)
$2.00/3 Suave Products (Shampoo, Conditioner, Styling, Lotion, Body Wash, Deodorant), Any - 01-11-09 RP (Insert x04/05/09)
$1.00/2 Suave Products (Shampoo, Conditioner, Styling, Lotion, Body Wash, Deodorant), Any - 01-11-09 RP (Insert x04/05/09)
$1.00/2 Suave Antiperspirant/Deodorant, Any - 01-11-09 RP (Insert x04/05/09)
$0.75/2 Suave Antiperspirant/Deodorant, Any - 01-11-09 RP (Insert x04/05/09)
$0.50/1 Suave Antiperspirant/Deodorant, Any - 01-11-09 RP (Insert x04/05/09)
colgate toothpaste or wave or total toothbrush .99
$0.50/1 Colgate Adult Or Kids Toothpaste, Any 4.0 Oz. + - 02-22-09 SS (Insert x03/14/09)
$0.40/1 Colgate Adult or Kids Toothbrush, Any - 02-22-09 SS (Insert x03/14/09)
$1.00/1 Colgate Toothpaste, Any 4.0 Oz. + (Other x12/31/09)
$1.00/1 Colgate Toothpaste 6.4oz, Total Professtional Toothbrush or Wave Toothbrush (has , Total Advanced Clean or Total Advanced Fresh Toothpaste 4 oz. or larger (Home Mailer x05/24/09)
$1.00/1 Colgate Adult Or Kids Toothpaste, Any 4.0 Oz. + - 02-22-09 SS (Insert x03/14/09)
$1.00/2 Colgate Adult Or Kids Toothbrush, Any - 02-22-09 SS (Insert x03/14/09)
$0.75/1 Colgate Adult Or Kids Toothbrush, Any - 02-22-09 SS (Insert x03/14/09)
$0.75/1 Colgate Adult Or Kids Toothpaste, Any 4.0 Oz. + - 02-22-09 SS (Insert x03/14/09)
Powerade Sports Drink .49
$0.75/2 Powerade Or Powerade Zero, Any 32 Oz. Bottles (Tearpad x05/08/09)
$0.40/2 Powerade, Any 32 Oz. (Other x04/19/09)
B2G1 Powerade or Powerade Zero, Any Multi-Pack - valid up to $5.00 (Tearpad x04/07/09)
Kroger Deluxe Ice Cream, or haagen dazs 4 oz, nestle frozen lemonade .49
$1.00/1 Haagen-Dazs Ice Cream, any carton (Home Mailer x12/31/09)
$1.00/1 Haagen-Dazs Ice Cream, any carton (Store Ad Flyer x12/31/09)
$0.75/1 Haagen-Dazs product, any (Home Mailer x07/04/09)
MM with coupon quaker quakes .49
$1.00/1 Quaker rice snack product - In Touch Weekly, March 2009 (Magazine x04/30/09)
$1.00/1 Quaker rice snack product - In Touch Weekly, February 2009 (Magazine x04/30/09)
$1.00/1 Quaker Rice Snack, any (Other x04/30/09)
$0.50/1 Quaker rice snack product, any (Home Mailer x12/31/09)
$0.40/1 Quaker Rice Snacks, any (Booklet x03/31/09)
$1.25/1 Quaker Rice Snack Product, Any - 01-18-09 RP (Insert x03/31/09)
$1.00/1 Quaker Rice Snack Product, Any - 01-18-09 RP (Insert x03/31/09)
MM with loadable and printable!betty crocker specialty potatoes .99
$0.40/1any flavor Box or Pouch Betty Crocker Potatoes (Except Potato Buds) load to Kroger card from
$.35/1 any flavor Box or Pouch Betty Crocker Potatoes (Except Potato buds) - expires 4-27-09 loadable from
$0.40/1 Betty Crocker Potatoes (except Potato Buds) (Printable Rolling) - Coupons from Betty Crocker
$0.40/1 Betty Crocker Potatoes, box or pouch (excludes Potato Buds) (Printable Rolling) -
$1.00/2 Betty Crocker Box or Pouch Potatoes (except Potato Buds), any Dinner Made Easy booklet (Home Mailer x05/31/09)
B3G1 Hamburger Helper Home Cooked Skillet Meals, one box any flavor, Free wyb (3) Betty Crocker Box Potatoes (excludes potato buds). - Betty Crocker Box Potatoes - - valid up to $1.75 (Peelie x10/05/09)
$0.50/1 Betty Crocker Pouch Potatoes - Betty Crocker Potatoes Boxed (Peelie x07/26/09)
$0.40/1 Betty Crocker Box Potatoes, Any (Printable Rolling) - Coupons
Land O Laakes spreadable butter, land o lakes margarine spread or country crock tubs .99
$1.00/2 Land O Lakes Fresh Buttery Taste Spread, Any - 01-25-09 SS (Insert x03/21/09)
$0.30/1 Land O Lakes Fresh Buttery Taste Spread, Any - 01-25-09 SS (Insert x03/21/09)
$0.50/1 Land O Lakes Fresh Buttery Taste Spread, Any - 01-25-09 SS (Insert x03/21/09)
$0.55/1 LAND O LAKES Fresh Buttery Taste Spread (Printable Rolling) -
$0.55/1 Shedd's Spread Country Crock Omega Plus or Omega Plus Light (Printable Rolling) - Print Your Coupon
$1.00/2 Sheddu2019s Spread Country Crock Spread, Any - 01-18-09 RP (Insert x04/12/09)
$0.25/1 Sheddu2019s Spread Country Crock Spread, Any - 01-18-09 RP (Insert x04/12/09)
$0.35/1 Shedd's Spread Country Crock Spread, Any - 01-18-09 RP (Insert x04/12/09)
$0.50/1 Shedd's Spread Country Crock Calcium Plus Vitamin D Spread, Any - 01-18-09 RP (Insert x04/12/09) __________________________________________________ ______