Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Chili for 4 for $2
1 can Hormel Turkey Chili with beans ($1)
1 can diced tomatoes (.50)
1 can kidney beans (.50)
couple of dashes of hot sauce (free)
Heat and serve with crackers, cheese, onions and if feeling fancy cornbread. This makes 4 generous servings and is super fast!
Frugal Christmas- Part One: Food Gift Containers
Why spend $1-$2 each for tins or plastic Christmas buckets to give your homemade holiday treats? These are very inexpensive to make and are not labor intensive. I spent about 1 hour while watching TV last night and made 12.
- Collect canisters- I saved formula canisters. Other ideas: Pringles cans, Crystal Light Canisters, coffee cans
, shoe boxes, cardboard boxes.
- Wash if needed, I gave mine a good rinse and let air dry.
- Wrap with Christmas wrapping paper you got on the cheap last Christmas and the free tape you got from Walgreens.
- Add a bow or some ribbon for festiveness.
- Use a glue stick and a little patience to glue paper over the Enfamil logo on the lid.
- Make yourself feel fancy and cut out white card stock circles to put inside the lid to cover the edges of your wrapping job (also a great place to put your Holiday Greetings)
- Put a piece of wax paper inside and fill with goodies or wrap goodies up in plastic wrap and put tissue paper inside.
- Sing Fa La La La La as you pat yourself on the back for doing something both green and frugal. (Optional)
- Deliver goodies to all of your loved ones.
- Feel Merry Christmissy ( yes not a word and yes it was only added because 9 easy steps seemed just silly :) )
Thursday, December 11, 2008
A "Naked Line"
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Getting rid of old electronics
For the Shuffle they offered $14 in great condition and for the Razr V3 in fair condition they offered $27 and both of those include prepaid shipping. Now you get the money back in Best Buy gift cards, but those can be given as gifts or sold on ebay if you cant think of anything that you need from Best Buy.
Walgreens Double Dip Days
Stuffed Animal Hammock
But I didn't have any fabric that matched his Razorback/red and white checked room, but I did have a Razorback blanket. BUT I didn't want to cut it, bc I might hate it and ummm the hubby loves the blanket. So instead I used black ribbon on the ends and push pinned it up.
Not bad for 5 minutes of work and it was FREE!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Thanksgiving Menu
Cranberry Sauce
1-1/2 C sugar1 navel orange, scrubbed clean1/2 t grated fresh ginger4 C cranberries ( 1 bag washed and picked over)1/2 C (2 oz.) toasted pecans (can be toasted in oven at 350 for a few min, or in frying pan w/a little butter) ... don't burn the nuts
Grate the orange peel over the pot making sure to just get orange part. Juice the orange into the pot
And add sugar and ginger.Simmer over medium heat until all the sugar is dissolved.Add cranberries and cook/simmer until they "pop" and mixture thickens some -- about 15 minutes or so.Add pecans and cool sauce. Store in the refrigerator.
(How to peel ginger -- use a chef knife and cut the sides off like a rectangle, it's cheap, don't worry about wasting some)
Homemade Sweet Rolls
Pecan topped Sweet potatoes in the crockpot (new recipe I am going to try from a blog I follow: A year of Crockpotting
Mashed Potatoes using the steam and mash potatoes- they are really good!
Steamed broccoli
Chicken dressing and gravy (for my southern hubby I am going to attempt this one)
and of course PIE, prolly pumpkin and maybe chocolate.
Easy Homemade Rolls and Breakfast!

I tried a new roll recipe called Sweet Dinner Rolls from and I LOVED IT, it was so easy to throw in the bread maker on the dough setting and then divide up with the pizza cutter for rolls and use some to roll out and make cinnamon rolls. After allowing them to rise 1 more time, I baked at 350 degrees for around 15 minutes. As you can prolly tell I am not the worlds most precise cook, and they turned out awesome!
I am hosting Thanksgiving at my house and the rolls are on the menu for dinner and the next day, the cinnamon rolls are going to make an easy breakfast.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Free Pictures from Snapfish
20 4*6
standard S&H:
You saved $5.80 by shopping at Snapfish!*
Thanks Money Saving Mom for this great tip- Snapfish is offering free shipping, today only and if you are a new customer than you get 50 free prints- I am a returning customer but lucky me had a credit for 20 free prints! To bad this wasnt a couple of weeks from now though, would have been nice to have Christmas pictures for free! Oh well, on to the next deal!
PS I have ordered from them before and their quality is superior to walmart 1 hour in my opinion.
Over Budget Like a Crazy person!
So I have definitely went over some on my grocery budget this month, well kind of- I shoot for $50 a week for all food, toiletries and house stuff, but have a budget of $100 a week and then use the extra for other stuff, like paying extra on our debts. Well this month the sales have been crazy good and we are now stocked up on a lot of essentials for the next few months which I have to say gives me a warm fuzzy feeling. For the next 4 months (at least) I do not have to worry about buying: toothpaste, feminine products, deodorants, shampoo, hand soap, drinks for Kirt to take to work, cooking oil, sugar, pasta, toilet paper, cleaning supplies... well you get the picture. So now I feel comfortable staying home with Jackson for next semester, I had contemplated going back to work but now I don't have to and its FREAKING AWESOME!
Highlights on prices: (most of the freezer stuff did not make it in the pictures)
Drinks: Got 60 drinks for a total of $10 plus tax (.17 each)
Real Butter: .90 each after sale and .55 coupon that doubled
Pepperoni and turkey pepperoni: 1.40 each
Crisco Oil: 1.40 each
Quaker Oats: Free
Sugar: $1 each
Toothpaste: $.25 each
Activia 4 pack: $.50 each
Betty Crocker Boxed Potatoes: $.40 each and I got a free box of hamburger helper
Ozarka Water: Free
Scrubbing Sponges: Free
Hefty Zip Bags: Made $.10 on each
Toaster Strudel: $.70 each
Pizza Rolls (40 count bag): $.70 each
Dial Handsoap: $.40 each
Armour Bagged Frozen Meatballs: $.90 each
Walmart was also my friend, he gave me great prices on Green Giant Valley Fresh Steamer Frozen Veggies at $1.08 and I had $1 off coupons making them $.08 a bag, and Ronzani Pasta that was priced at $1.50 and I had $1 off coupons for those as well, making them .50 a box, which is really good because these are those pastas with extra protein, and whole wheat combination- so it still tastes good but is actually good for you!
Walgreens had some awesome make up on clearance and I got some with L'oreal and almay and rimmel lip glosses and shadows for .89-1.27 after coupons. I also got diapers and feminine products. I put $35 on the gift card and I will receive $15 on the free after rebate items and I received $2 in register rewards. I spent no money out of pocket.
Total Money Spent for November as of the 18th for groceries and household = $274.48
Coupon Give Away
Monday, November 17, 2008
Cloth Diapers
I am the first to admit it though, I am kinda lazy when it comes to laundry and I would have to get my shit together if we did switch to cloth. LOL i couldn't resist!
My hubby admits that while he is down with trying it, he is not so sure that it is a good idea for us (because I am kinda lazy about laundry).
But as I watch the Today show talk about the environment I realize that everyone is going to have to start doing their part for this planet to keep it alive and I am going to have to just get over my laundry laziness, or at least give it a really good try.
Menu Monday
Pork chops and tomatoes in the crockpot
Brown Rice
Pesto Chicken
chicken noodle soup over mashed potatoes
mixed veggies
cabbage rolls in the crockpot
scalloped potatoes
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Great Give Aways to check out!
Go to Ebay Selling Coach site here, she is doing a great give away for Yankee Candle Coupons and just in time for Christmas!
Go to Raising peanuts site here, she is doing a give away for BPA free sippy cups cuz BPA is YUCKY!
Go to Penny Pinching moms site here, she is doing a give away for Entertainment 2009 book!
For more great give aways check out the BIG OL list on Money saving Moms site HERE!
Have a great day! K I think I have abused the exclamation point enough now!!! Oops, ok really now I am done. Night all.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Meal Plan Monday
cabbage with ham and onions
corn bread
Mac and Cheese
Wednesday (I have class that night)
Leftovers/sandwiches (everyone fend for themselves)
BBQ on homemade bread
Au gratin Potatoes
mixed veggies
I usually do not plan the weekends because our schedules tend to change a lot at the last minute. We go out to eat once a week, usually for lunch on Saturday. Then we eat leftovers or easy foods like sandwiches, scrambled eggs, toast, cereal etc.
November Spending
I love Ebay!
Weekend Wrap Up
Dinner- $50.00
Paper- $1.25
Gas- $25.00
Total Spending for the weekend $76.25
Halloween Sale

Monday, October 27, 2008
Weekend Wrap Up
Olive Garden
Lunch with the Hubby- $28.00 including tax and tip
Whole Foods
I spent $6.58 on spices and an impulse buy on some organic pears baby food for the kid. Buying my spices from whole foods bulk section is the cheapest way for me to do it. Look back later this week for what I have made with the spices.
2 St. Ives Cleaners ($4.99 and had B1G1 free Q- received $5 RR) 0
1 Air Wick Fresh Matic Ultra ($5.99- $4 q, will submit for $3 rebate) made $1
1 Oral B toothbrush ($4.49- .75 Q, received $4.50 RR) made $.76
1 Almay Mascara ($6.99- $1 Q, Nov FAR) made $1
3 Theraflu warming meds ($15- $6Q, received $8 RR) $1
Total= up $1.76
I had some candy to return to Kroger because I got the wrong kind for the deal I thought I would be doing, so I decided to take that $16.50 and see how far I could stretch it. I try never to spend money out of pocket anymore at Walgreens, I just roll register rewards and monthly rebate items.
1 OB tampons (clearance for 2.14- 1 Q) ($1.14)
2 Annies Organic Shells and Cheese FREE
1 Soup Bowl ($.99)
1 lb on the vine tomatoes ($1.85)
total 4.31
5 Combos
5 Sunday Papers
total $11.25 ish before RR, $0 out of pocket
2 cucumbers ($1.76)
1 green pepper ($.50)
4 Gala Apples ($1.38)
3 taco bell bowls ( $1.98 x 3 - 3($1 Q) = $2.94)
2 Ronzani Pastas ($1.50 x 2- 2($1 Q) = $1.00)
7 Green Giant Steamers plain ($1.27 x 7 - 7($1Q) = $1.89)
2 Green Giant Steamers with Sauce ($1.50 x 2-2($1Q) = $1.00)
total = $11.94
So for the whole weekend I spent $34.58 and got lots of stuff. Starting next Saturday, Nov 1, I am going to start blogging every purchase I make and track my spending and savings.
Needed Some Basics- saved 50%
brown sugar ($1.67)
whole wheat ($2.69)
bread flour ($2.85)
Also used up some coupons that were going to go out of date on friday:
(5) dole fruit jars ($5.45)
(4) Ortega taco seasoning packets ($2.46)
Gum snuck in there too- $.90 for 2 mentos containers.
My total was $13.96 after coupons and taxes and I saved $13.16 or 50%.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Free Friday
The mouthwash came from Walgreens- I paid $3.49 for it and got a $3.49 Register Reward back, while the toothpaste and pain meds were Free After Rebate this month at Walgreens.
Gotta Love Free Pop Tarts! These came from Target, 6 large boxes!
Saved the best for last... my favorite bargain recently FREE TOILET PAPER! These came from Kroger, on sale for .99 cents then I had a coupon for .50 cents off which Kroger doubles!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Life Changing News
Monday, August 25, 2008
First Trip to Walgreens
What I got...
3 pks of Brillo Kitchen Wipes on clearance for .37 each- $1.11
cottonelle fresh wipes -$1.99 WAG coupon
Packaging tape BOGO $2.99
Neutrogena Foamy Cream Cleanser- clearance $1.99
Bioinfusion hair spray- Free after rebate
Bioinfusion wrap and set foam- Free after rebate
Reynolds aluminum foil- $.89 WAG coupon
Pert Plus- Free after rebate
total after rebates but before tax = $8.97
*** Note- I have already sent in my rebates, I did this very quickly online at, just click on easy saver, then you set up an account, click the deals you have and enter a receipt number. You can enter as many receipts as you want.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Mrs. Fields Files for Bankrupcy!!
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Yard Sale
Running total for savings
$100 that my parents paid us to watch their cat for 2 weeks while they were on vacation +$5 in coupons + $181.50 from the yardsale = $286.50
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Recent headlines on the state of the economy
With prices up and wages flat, consumers have to make do with less
"After adjusting for inflation, the average weekly paycheck dropped by 0.8 percent in July from June, extending an ongoing slide in real income. That left real earnings 3.1 percent lower in July than they were a year ago"
"Faced with higher shipping costs and pricier plastic, consumer products companies like soft drink maker Dr. Pepper Snapple Group have raised prices — even as sales have fallen."
"Some companies that haven't yet passed along higher costs are having trouble holding the line. Some 38 percent of small businesses surveyed by the National Federation of Independent Business said they plan to raise their prices in the coming months..."
"With the economy shedding jobs and unemployment rising, it’s a tough time to ask for a raise. That means that – unless your paycheck is growing by 5 percent a year – you’re actually taking a pay cut. "
"During the prolonged inflation of the 1970s, house prices also rose rapidly. But today, consumers’ budgets are also being squeezed by falling equity in their home which, until recently, was a critical source of spending power"
Consumer Prices Shot Up in July
"Consumer prices shot up in July at twice the expected rate, pushed higher by surging energy and food costs. The latest surge left inflation running at the fastest pace in 17 years."
"...labor market remains under severe stress from the weak economy"
"Energy prices jumped by 4 percent last month, driven upward by a 4.1 percent rise in gasoline prices. In July prices at the pump were 37.9 percent above where they were a year ago"
The moral of these headlines to me is that this mess is not going to clear up any time soon and each person/family has to make the consious decision to change their behaviors that have to do with spending. Each family is different in how much or what they need to change. For my family I am currently focusing on our food budget- both eating out and groceries and electricity which you can see what we are doing in my previous post. My adventures with my food budget are chronicled at my other blog . We also just moved closer to my husbands job to decrease his commute from 70 miles each way to 20 miles each way and he also carpools 3 of the 4 days a week that he works.
Ways I save on electricity
2. shut the air vents and the doors in the rooms we dont use - guest room and guest bath
3run our ceiling fans constantly bc I read somewhere that helps your air conditioning be more efficient by around 30%
4. turned up the thermostat to 75 during the day and then to 70 at night- when I go back to work I will turn it up to 80 when we are not here during the day- for Christmas I want a digital thermostat that we can set
5. we are slowly changing over to the super bulbs that last for 7 years and use less energy and put out less heat- every time a regular bulb dies we replace it with an energy efficient.
6. almost completely quit using the clothes dryer- I hang everything outside on our clothesline or on a rack inside
7. put the dishwasher on air dry
8. only run full loads in the dishwasher/washer and run them on the light or regular cycles
This has kept our electricity bill in the summer in southern Arkansas in a 1700 square foot home to $200 a month - some of the changes we have just started and we should see the results next month including- the not using the clothes dryer and installing the new light bulbs.
Some of the more extreme things I have been thinking of trying include: unplugging the tvs and other appliances when not in use and turning off the computer everyday.