Still having their mega event- you buy any combination of 10 items that are marked with the green "score mega savings" tags and you will automatically get $5 off your bill which equals .50 off the sale price, this combined with coupons = very good deals. Also since the $5 comes off the bottom of your bill, you can earn overage on some items - like the Hormel Chili. It is on sale for $1- .50 for the Mega sale and there are coupons out for .55 off 2. This coupon doubles meaning you get $1.10 off every 2 cans you buy.
So $1-.50 (mega)- .55 (coupon)= +.05 for each can!!!!
Boneless English Roast $1.99 lb
Harvest Food in Benton
Surefresh Medium Eggs - $.99 (limit 2)
Yellow Onions - 3lb bag = $.99 (limit 2)
green onions - 2/$1
Cucumbers - 2/$1
Bush's Beans - $.75
(Chili, Kidney, Red)
City Market in Bryant
Red or Green Leaf Lettuce - $1 each
Cucumbers - 3/$1
Green Onions- 3/$1
Roma Tomatoes- .69 lb
My plan for the week is to not spend more than $36.35 to get my budget back on track for spending $50 or less a week on groceries and household stuff. I know I am going to stock up on onions to chop and freeze. I also see lots of salad in the next week on our menu! Here is my plan.
2 bags of onions- $2
3 cucmbers- $1
1 leaf lettuce - $1
2 lbs of romas- $1.38
2 med surefresh eggs- $2
For the mega event I have ordered lots of coupons and they should be in by Saturday at the lastest.
I am getting...
40 Chilis- +$2 (some of this is going to family and some will be donated to the local food bank, and the expiration date on the ones I have gotten so far is 2012!)
10 Boxs Fiber one Bars - $11.90
10 Triscuits/Wheat thins - $10
Projected total= $27.28 before taxes
I also know I will need milk next week and some fruit.
Five More Frugal Things
1 day ago
Renee-You're an inspiration! I can't believe you can keep your budget at $50 per week. My goal is to get mine slimmer and slimmer every month this year as I get used to shopping the sales! I plan to hit Kroger one more time on Monday before the sale ends : )Thanks for all of the help and advice.
okay...sorry to have to delete my first post. I made a typo and couldn't figure out how to edit w/out deleting!!
I thought Bush's were $1 a can???????
Ack, I need chili beans!!!!!!!
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