I said I would check and see if you could double up the diaper deal at BRU- YES!!
Heres how it works.
Buy 3 Value Boxes of Pampers- $40.69 for 202 in the size 3 Baby Dry, 176 in size 4
$5 off coupon for each box (see my post from a couple days ago for the printable BRU coupon), combined with 3- $1 off coupons from the Sunday paper, and then they will give you a $15 BRU gift card for future purchases.
I got 2 size 3's and 1 size 4: total number of diapers=578
total: $89.07 for 3 boxes
= .15 a diaper
Ok just for comparisons sake:
the usual sale for Pampers is $10 for a 40 pk of size 3's
= .25 a diaper
- $1 Sunday coupon = $9/40
= .23 a diaper
We go through roughly 6 diapers a day (except for yesterday when the kid decided he needed to poop 4 times!!!) Total number of diapers 578/6 = 96 days worth of diapers
regular price = $1.50 a day
$1 coupon = $1.38 a day
BRU sale = $.90 a day
Total money saved over buying the diapers with no sale and no coupons:
$.60 a day * 96 days = $57.60
***also at BRU if you sign up for their free club- after you buy 9 boxes of Pampers your 10th is FREE***
Five More Frugal Things
2 days ago
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