
Saturday, November 22, 2008

Getting rid of old electronics

So you have an iPod shuffle and you want to upgrade to the Nano or maybe you have a Razr but want an iPhone. You have a couple of choices, you can attempt to sell your old stuff, you can give it away or you can toss them(bad for the environment- recycle instead)and then go buy the new (hopefully while they are on sale). But you probably wont get very much trying to sell them on ebay, craigslist ect. I found a neat thing that Best Buy does- they will buy your old electronics- postage paid and everything. Go here http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?id=pcmcat133600050011&type=category for all the details.

For the Shuffle they offered $14 in great condition and for the Razr V3 in fair condition they offered $27 and both of those include prepaid shipping. Now you get the money back in Best Buy gift cards, but those can be given as gifts or sold on ebay if you cant think of anything that you need from Best Buy.

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